Lori, Tee, and EJ explore who they are behind their masks; a journey of discovery to be their authentic selves. Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck in fear, loneliness, or rejection; wearing a mask to protect, gain support, or hide? Together we hope to uncover what it means to look behind the masks we all wear; to take them off and live in Faith, freely, boldly, and unafraid, to be who God created us to be.
In Episode 62, (originally released 5/10/2024), Lori, Tee, and EJ talk about discouragement. Times of when they've put themselves out there professionally and personally and not had a positive experience or things have not gone well. It can easily derail their self-esteem, so they talk about how they've gotten through those times.
Our website: https://behindthemaskpc.com
Disclaimer: Just a friendly reminder that anything discussed in this podcast is not to be used as a diagnosis or a replacement for conversations with your own doctors, therapists, psychologists, or other medical professionals.
We’re on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as ‘@BehindTheMaskPC’! If you’re not into social media, you can contact the podcast through our email, ‘BehindTheMaskPC@gmail.com’!
Podcast Merchandise: https://behindthemaskpc.creator-spring.com
You can find EJ on Twitter and Instagram as ‘@EJ8302’! EJ’s other links: https://beacons.ai/ej8302 & check out EJ’s Downtime: https://beacons.ai/ejsdowntime;
EJ & Lori’s Adventures: Instagram & Facebook
Tee has started another podcast! It is called ‘Our Journey With Jesus Podcast’ on Facebook, where you can find more information. The link for it is here.
LinkTree – https://linktr.ee/ourjourneywithjesuspc
Lori is on Twitter as ‘@CarpeSperoLoriL’. She’s also on Facebook as ‘@CarpeSperoLoriLeigh’ and Instagram as ‘@CarpeSperoLoriLeigh’.
If you enjoyed what you’ve heard so far, we’d love to hear what you think. Feel free to review us on Anchor, leave feedback on the platform you listened to us on, or message us through our social media or email.
Royalty-Free Music – Intro & Outro: ‘Winter Morning AR’ by IJUNIJUN from Pixabay